Acid Rain

Acid Rain

Acid Rain

Anything water-based that drop from the sky can be called acid rain. This includes dew, rain. Most of these weather elements, settle on cars and can cause major problems when it comes to a vehicle’s exterior. The acidity in the water can cause the paint to corrode and even the metal to weaken over time.

The Overspray Removalists are specialists in dealing with issues of chemical and acid rain fallout. This is usually caused by faulty industrial filtration systems, industrial explosions, factory fires or pollution in the atmosphere. Steel dust or metal fallout can be a problem with the friction that trains or trams generate on their steel tracks.

Environmental Damage

Environmental damage covers many categories, main fallout from industries that deal with steel fabrication, rubber, chemicals, petroleum, flour and yeast products and much more. Environmental damage is a complicated removal process that needs careful and professional evaluation. The Overspray Removalists have repaired every vehicle back to its original condition all over Australia, and we are happy to assist you in the same way.

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